Home for the Holidays?

Home for the Holidays?

Not long ago, the word “home” required little explanation.  It was a word that described the place where you grew up, the place where you returned for the holidays, the place that conjured up warm memories of childhood and family.  These days, however, that word has gotten a bit more difficult to define.

In the past, people would live and die in the same town where they were born. Even when putting down roots of their own, they would not go far. The home where you were born continued to be the nucleus of the family long after you grew up and set up a household of your own.  You would return there to see the folks and celebrate special occasions.  That was, of course, before all the folks decided to retire to Florida or to some other pensioner’s paradise.

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When in Doubt, order the Schnitzel!

Europe StickLady

Last summer, my husband’s company asked him to work in Luxembourg for two months.  I, of course, accompanied him.   He did such a great job, they asked him to return again in the spring and stay for one year.  Back again, we went.  The time I have spent in Europe has definitely been an adventure.  It also required quite a bit of adjustment.

Weekdays in Luxembourg were not very different than weekdays in the U.S.  I spent my days working on my StickLadySays blog and social media platforms while my husband worked long hours.  On the weekends, however, we tried to visit one of the many beautiful towns in Luxembourg or in one of the surrounding countries.  We were also able to plan longer trips by taking advantage of Luxembourg’s 26 national holidays (Yes 26!).  We have been to Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Italy, The Netherlands, and the U. K.  (both England and Scotland).

As you would imagine, Europe is very different than the U. S.   Each country has its own diverse culture, cuisine, traditions, etc.  Luxembourg, for instance, is a very small country.  It is a sovereign nation and also the last Grand Duchy in Europe.  A Grand Duchy, by the way, is a country whose Monarch is a Grand Duke.  They also have a Prime Minister.  Back in April, the Grand Duke’s father passed away.  Another day off!

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American Dream Keepers

American Dream KeepersThere are those among us who cherish the simple joys of life uncomplicated by political correctness and constant judgment by social justice warriors.  We simply wish to raise our children according to our own personal values.  We do not want to be ostracized if we dress our daughters in pink and our sons in blue.  We stand for the National Anthem with our hands on our hearts.  Our biggest joys are the simplest ones and involve home and family.

I do not think I am alone in longing for the days when we were allowed to live our lives without the constant judgment of  our values.  I still believe in the American Dream and it is alive and well in my heart and in my home.  I believe that there are others like me who cherish the simplicity of traditional values.  We are the American Dream Keepers and we will not be relegated to the shadows.

I started this blog several years ago because I felt the need to express myself about issues that are important to me.  I have written about many topics.  Looking back, I realize that the most important things in my life are the things that are closest to home.

Two Christmases

Two ChristmasesThis post goes out to divorced parents everywhere who live with more than their fair share of parental guilt.

As divorced parents, we worry about how our divorce will affect our children.  Will they be treated differently by their peers?  Will they act out?  Will they be overcome with sadness leading them down a path of destructive behavior?

Even as our children grow into adulthood, the guilt persists.  Family events can be a bit complicated.  Both my former spouse and I have remarried.  Sometimes there are just too many parents and stepparents in one place at one time.  Though it is great that we all get along, I always wonder if it is awkward for my children.

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StickLady Abroad!

StickLady Abroad!
I was given an extraordinary opportunity to spend two months in Europe.  After some initial trepidation about leaving home for that length of time, I decided to go.

I am taking some time off from StickLadySays to see some sights and broaden my horizons.  I hope to return with new perspectives which I look forward to sharing with you!

Until October…



Two Pennies for the Grim Reaper

Two Pennies for the Grim ReaperMy elderly Mom keeps two pennies in her kitchen cabinet.  I asked her why.  She told me that they are for the Grim Reaper.  She said you have to pay him when he comes calling.  One penny is for her.  The other is for my Dad.

I cannot help but wonder how it feels to be at that stage of your life when you are awaiting the Grim Reaper.  My Mom and Dad are in their nineties.  Like many people, they made a home together and raised a family.  They have both been blessed with good, comfortable lives.  So after the children are gone and even the grandchildren have grown, what is left to look forward to?  How do you make your latter years as fulfilling as your former years?  How do you stay busy enjoying life so that death is not a looming thought?

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There are No Do-Overs

There are No Do-OversWhen you find yourself standing at the pearly gates at the end of your life, rest assured that St. Peter is not going to ask if you would like a do- over.  He will not be persuaded to give you another try at life no many how many regrets you have or how many items are still left on your bucket list.  You only get one life so make it count.  Do your best to make sure you live it to the fullest.  Everyone deserves to realize their full potential.

For starters, don’t be complacent.  Don’t settle.  Don’t think you have to continue down the same road long after you realize that you have taken a wrong turn.  Fear is our worst enemy.  We worry about what will happen if we make a change.  Will we wish we hadn’t?

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